Random Thoughts

The inside of my head can be a strange and wondrous place — or a somewhat scary place if you ask some of my friends. The posts in this category are things that just don’t fit any other categories, but they’re (mostly) about tea.

  • Blogging on a schedule

    Blogging on a schedule

    When I’m bored and not inspired enough to write something, I sometimes read silly things like blogging tips. They always seem to include the obvious, like “write interesting things” and “allow your personality to show through.” They also all seem to include, “always blog on a regular schedule.”


  • Can you smoke tea?

    Can you smoke tea?

    My response to this question on Quora has gotten more views than any other tea-related response I’ve written, with over 100,000 views. Apparently, this is a question in a lot of people’s minds, so I’ve decided to expand upon that answer for my friends here on Tea with Gary.


  • Five bits of tea trivia that are WRONG!

    Five bits of tea trivia that are WRONG!

    Tea trivia is like any other kind of trivia. The most fascinating trivia may also be the least accurate. I did a little bit of searching for tea trivia, and found some that were a little off, some that were badly phrased, and some that were flat-out wrong.


  • The Dream and the Dancer

    The Dream and the Dancer

    Robert Godden and two other studly tea bloggers have a blog called “Beasts of Brewdom: The Men of Tea. Huzzah!” Godden issued challenges to grizzled specimens of manhood such as myself to write a blog post using the title of a British romance novel. I drew The Dream and the Dancer.


  • OMG! Twins! Tea With Gary and Gary With Da Tea

    OMG! Twins! Tea With Gary and Gary With Da Tea

    Every now and then, I check my site statistics. That’s how I discovered “Gary Wit Da Tea,” a.k.a. Gary Hayes. It’s understandable that Mr. Hayes had escaped my radar. After all, he’s only been doing his radio show for a couple of decades.


  • Fine Words Butter No Parsnips – and I’m not talking about Tibetan Yak Butter Tea

    Fine Words Butter No Parsnips – and I’m not talking about Tibetan Yak Butter Tea

    I have some strange friends. One of them is a rather … unique … tea blogger from Australia named Robert Godden. One day, I signed on to Facebook and saw that Robert had tagged me in a post challenging tea writers to write a post titled “Fine Words Butter No Parsnips.”


  • Canon cameras and oolong tea

    Canon cameras and oolong tea

    Why should you drink oolong tea when you’re taking pictures with a Canon camera? Let me explain…


  • Tagged! A tea background story

    Tagged! A tea background story

    Oh, these silly tagging things that go around. Normally, I ignore them, but Geoffrey Norman (a.k.a. the Lazy Literatus) tagged me for a tea-related Q&A and it’s hard to resist when he looks at you with those big puppy dog eyes.


  • Tea Dragons

    Tea Dragons

    Sometimes my wanderings around the Web are a pure waste of time, and sometimes I end up finding something delightful. This is one of the delightful ones.


  • Random observations from the tea bar

    Random observations from the tea bar

    Looking for something pithy and educational about tea today? Well, you picked the wrong blog post. Today I am just posting a free association of recent observations and happenings at the my tea bar.


  • Tall Montanan is Tall?

    Tall Montanan is Tall?

    I was perusing a post from a fellow tea blogger about World Tea Expo. Perhaps I shouldn’t call it a “post;” it’s more of an essay. Or perhaps a minor tome. If you bound it in creepy leather and added some demons, you could even call it a small grimoire.


  • If I learn just one new thing…

    If I learn just one new thing…

    Back in my days in the software industry, I used to put on a lot of educational seminars. One day, I was teaching an all-day session and noticed one of my customers, a gentleman by the name of Ken Combs, sitting about fifteen rows back in the audience. At the first break, I went over […]